Diabetes Personal Action Toward Health (Diabetes PATH)

What is Diabetes PATH? Who is it for?

Diabetes PATH is a workshop for adults with type 2 diabetes, their family, friends and caregivers. It takes 2 ½ hours a week for 6 weeks.

Two trained leaders guide workshops. One or both of them will have diabetes or another chronic condition. Workshops are usually FREE or LOW-COST!

It doesn’t matter how long you have had diabetes or how well or how poorly you think you are doing with your diabetes. Anyone with diabetes can attend.

What will YOU learn?

The workshop covers many things about diabetes, but what you will really learn are ways to help take care of your health. In a workshop you will learn techniques that help you:
  • Move more easily by doing exercises that work for you.
  • Take charge of your own health.
  • Do the things YOU like to do.
  • Be more independent.
  • Communicate better with your health care team.
You will learn to make weekly action plans that help you stay on track with your diabetes care. You and the other workshop particpants will help each other learn to solve problems managing diabetes.

Diabetes PATH does not change your treatment. That is between you and your health care team. We want you to follow your doctor’s orders. But, you can learn new ways to talk to your health care team and help manage your diabetes.

I already went to diabetes education. Should I still come?

Yes! When you have diabetes, it helps to go to both diabetes education (or Diabetes Self-Management Education) and Diabetes PATH. Diabetes PATH and Diabetes Self-Management Education help you in different ways. What you learn from both might work together to give you more “tools” every day to help you do what’s needed to take care of your diabetes and your health. And, if you haven’t been to a diabetes education class (or Diabetes Self-Management Education) you can still come.

Join US! It’s YOUR time to take Personal Action Toward your Health!