What is Personal Action Toward Health (PATH)?

PATH is a workshop that empowers people to take an active role in managing a chronic or long-term health condition. Workshops meet for 6 weeks, in 2 1/2 hour sessions each week. Workshops are offered in convenient, easily accessible community locations, and are offered for free, or at very low cost to participants. mipath logo

Who should participate:

  • Adults with any chronic or long-term health conditions including arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, emphysema, asthma, bronchitis and depression.
  • Family members, friends, and caregivers are also encouraged to attend the workshop.

What happens in a PATH workshop?

The goal of the workshop is to help participants become better self-managers.

The workshop content is not disease specific; rather, it focuses on symptoms that are common to people with a variety of health conditions. Over the 6 weeks, emphasis is placed on creating personal action plans and setting practical, achievable goals.

Participants learn strategies to help them deal with problems such as pain, fatigue, and difficult emotions. Other topics include managing symptoms, managing medications, working with health care providers, relaxation, healthy eating, physical activity and communicating with family and friends.

Other Workshops

In addition to general PATH, there are several other versions of the self-management program.
  • Diabetes PATH – for adults with type 2 diabetes, their family, friends and caregivers.
  • Chronic Pain PATH – for people with long-term pain management issues and their caregivers.
  • High Blood Pressure Control – Similar to PATH. It is for people with high blood pressure.
  • Kidney PATH – for people with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), their family and caregivers.
  • Cancer PATH – for people who have been diagnosed with any type of cancer.
  • Workplace PATH – for employees with chronic health conditions.
Which PATH workshop is right for you?

Format for PATH Workshops

In-Person Workshops
  • Group of 8 to 12 participants and 2 leaders.
  • Held at a variety of community locations, once per week at scheduled times.
Online: Video conference
  • Video sessions held once per week at scheduled times with a small group of 8 to 12 participants.
  • Requires reliable internet connection and camera feature on computer, tablet, or phone.
Online: Web-based, Better Choices Better Health
  • Log in on your own time to review weekly content and communicate with other participants and leaders on discussion boards.
  • Workshops consist of about 25 participants from across the country.
Mailed toolkit with phone support
  • Self-directed, home learning with telephone support.
  • Toolkit sent by mail and calls held once per week with a small group of 4 to 6 participants to review key weekly activities.

Michigan Partners on the PATH Video for Providers

Michigan Partners on the PATH Video for Consumers