What is the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)?

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The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is a lifestyle change program that can help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

For participants who achieve modest weight loss (5-7% of body weight, about 10-14 pounds for a 200 pound person) and 150 minutes of physical activity a week, the program can help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes by 58% for people with prediabetes (71% for people over 60 years old). cut your type 2 diabetes risk in half

As part of a group, participants work with trained lifestyle coaches and other participants to learn skills to make lasting lifestyle changes.

Participants learn to eat healthy, increase physical activity, manage stress, stay motivated, and solve problems that can get in the way of healthy habits. There are nearly 70 Diabetes Prevention Programs in Michigan!

For the first six months, participants meet weekly for a total of 16 sessions. During the second 6 months, participants will meet monthly.


  • Trained lifestyle coach to guide and encourage participants
  • CDC-approved curriculum
  • Support from others working on the same goals
  • Skills to help participants lose weight and be more physically active

Who can participate?

The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is open to individuals who meet the following requirements:
  • Are at least 18 years old and not pregnant at the time of enrollment.
  • Are overweight (body mass index equal to or greater than 25; equal to or greater than 23 if Asian) and
  • Have no previous diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes and
  • Meet one of the following:
    • Have a blood test result in the prediabetes range within the past year
      • Hemoglobin A1C: 5.7%–6.4% or
      • Fasting plasma glucose: 100–125 mg/dL or
      • Two-hour plasma glucose (after a 75 gm glucose load): 140–199 mg/dL OR
    • Be previously diagnosed with gestational diabetes OR
    • Screen positive for prediabetes based on the CDC Prediabetes Screening Test.
      Take the prediabetes risk test in English
If you have questions or are unsure if you meet the eligibility requirements, contact your local DPP provider.

Who offers DPP?

There are now many options for how the program is delivered! Organizations may offer the program either in-person, online, through distance learning, or a combination lifestyle change program.

In-person Programs

In an in-person program, participants will meet face-to-face with group members and the lifestyle coach. In-person programs are offered in a variety of places throughout the community, including health care clinics, community-based organizations, and worksites.

Hands-on demonstrations will help with learning, and the coach will provide handouts with useful information and practice activities.

Online Programs

Online programs must be 100% online delivery of sessions with multiple opportunities for live lifestyle coach interaction. They all follow a CDC-approved curriculum and are held to the same standards as in-person programs. They also include use of a lifestyle coach, either in a group format or one-on-one.

An online program is a great option if participants find it hard to attend regular on-site meetings or there is not an in-person program near you.

Distance Learning

Distance learning programs are yearlong lifestyle change programs delivered 100% by trained Lifestyle Coaches via remote classroom or telehealth (i.e., conference call, Skype, Zoom, etc.) where the Lifestyle Coach is present in one location and participants are calling or video-conferencing in from another location.

This is a great option for participants who want group interaction but live in remote areas and cannot attend an in-person program.


Year-long lifestyle change programs are delivered as a combination of any of the previously defined delivery modes for all participants by trained Lifestyle Coaches.

Testimonials from Participants

Phyllis Perkins, 53, Program Participant

"Having a group of people with the same goals as me really motivated me to jump start healthy lifestyle changes."

After the death of my mother and a diagnosis of prediabetes, I was motivated to make healthy changes in my life to prevent type 2 diabetes. I was overweight and had high cholesterol, high glucose levels, and poor eating habits. I joined a lifestyle change program to take control of my life.

During the program, I was surprised at how happy I was making healthy changes and how much I enjoyed learning from others in the group. I am now exercising regularly and learning strategies to cope with my emotional eating habits.

Cynthia Johnson, 54, Program Participant

"It's not about how long you live, it's about how well you live"